
By public transport to Andermatt

Take the train to Göschenen and from there a direct connection on the Matterhorn Gotthard Bahn to Andermatt within 10 minutes.

Note: Bicycles on public transport

  • Bicycle self-loading: In the carrier bag as free hand luggage or for a fee in marked train areas.
  • Bike shipping: Simply drop off your bike as luggage at the train station and collect it at your destination.


Special connections from Zurich main station

This year, together with the Südostbahn and the Matterhorn Gotthard Bahn, we are organising three special connections for the journey to Andermatt on Friday afternoon, 6 September. To avoid bottlenecks as far as possible, the following trains from Zurich main station and Arth-Goldau are offering additional seats especially for our event.

  • Connection 1 – Zurich main station from 14.05, Arth-Goldau from 14.54
  • Connection 2 – Zurich main station from 16.05, Arth-Goldau from 16.54
  • Connection 3 – Zurich HB from 18.05, Arth-Goldau from 18.54

    We ask everyone travelling by train on Friday, 6 September to use one of these three connections. For these trains you will need a regular ticket for you and your bike.


Extra train Fiesch – Andermatt

  • The extra train from Fiesch to Andermatt will take you comfortably to the start on Saturday morning, 7 September 2024. More information here.

Travelling by car to Andermatt

On the highway A2 to Göschenen and from there you can reach Andermatt via country road.

Paid parking in Andermatt:

Around 800 parking spaces are available to participants in the Alpenbrevet at the event in the P1 and Bäz parking lots (parking spaces marked in red in the following plan). At any time, these are subject to a charge. The parking ticket must be purchased on site via the Parkingpay or Twint app.

The Parkingpay app can be downloaded here:

By public transport to Ulrichen

By train to Visp and from there with the Matterhorn Gotthard Bahn to Ulrichen or via the Furka tunnel from Andermatt to Ulrichen.

Travelling by car to Ulrichen

Via Grimsel-, Furka or Nufenenpass you reach directly the Goms. Or from Visp along the main road via Fiesch to Ulrichen.

  • In Ulrichen, free parking spaces (parking spaces marked in red in the following plan) will be available at the airfield for participants of the Alpenbrevet from Saturday morning.


Alpenbrevet Platintour

5 Mountain Passes

267 kilometers

7'090 vertical meters


Alpenbrevet Goldtour

4 Mountain Passes

214 kilometers

5'080 vertical meters


Alpenbrevet Silbertour

3 Mountain Passes

105 kilometers

3'200 vertical meters


Alpenbrevet Bronzetour

2 Mountain Passes

64 kilometers

2'140 vertical meters